The Dragoness: Command of the Flame – Official Launch Trailer

ca. 1 min Lesezeit

The Dragoness: Command of the Flame – Official Launch Trailer
The Dragoness: Command of the Flame is available now on Epic Games,, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox Series X/S, and coming to Nintendo Switch on September 7, 2023. Watch the launch trailer for The Dragoness: Command of the Flame to learn more about the Drairthir Peninsula, your mission, gameplay, recruits, how to build skills, and more from this game that mixes HOMM-like exploration, base-building, and turn-based strategic combat, with a roguelite twist.

Venture into the war-torn realm of the Drairthir Peninsula, home of the regal Dragoness. Following a devastating civil war, the Dragoness has requested the aid of a veteran elvish Commander. Battle the wicked Shai-Va forces by building your army and harnessing the six schools of arcane magic to gain an edge in battle.

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